
My Life at Hogwarts

Hogwarts, Psychic school, mediumship
   My first induction into the dark arts was at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism; it was the inspiration behind Hogwarts in the series Ha...

Your Christmas Tree for Fortune

Your Christmas Tree for Fortune
  Your Christmas Tree can bring abundance into your life. Loaded with lights, tinsel, garland, bright ornaments and festive decorations, Christmas...

Time in my Haunted House : The Induction

Time in my Haunted House :  The Induction
This is my house in England where I lived for 15 years. It was the carriage house for a mansion house, and if you look to the left you can see the...

Death of a Poor Boy in the Palace

Death of a Poor Boy in the Palace
  The royal family in England owns multiple stunning castles. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married at St. George’s Cathedral on the grounds of W...

Why You Might Not Wannna Kill Yourself

Why You Might Not Wannna Kill Yourself
Think on these things if you have dark thoughts..

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - for the next 84 years?

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - for the next 84 years?
Keep your eye on the money- and the money on your mind.

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life
Why we need to love before we die.